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"Indemnification & Additional Insured Liability" Workshop


Robert J. Marshburn, CRM, CIC, ARM, CRIS, CISC

Founder & CEO | Certified Risk Managers LLC



This workshop provides in depth understanding and practical examples of how Indemnification and Additional Insured liability provisions can increase, reduce, and allocate risk; standard and manuscript Insurance Company policy language differences; clarity on the impact of various forms; as well as practical application of the information to be sure you use the right forms.  Includes examination and application of the critical anti-indemnity legislation limiting Indemnification and the latest ISO Endorsements!


What you will learn:


·         The purpose and essential elements of Indemnification.

·         Are you responsible for someone else’s risk?

·         How do Indemnity clauses affect my liability?

·         How can I negotiate Indemnity clauses for more favorable terms?

·         How can I transfer liability to others using the Indemnity clause?

·         Does my insurance cover me for this risk?

·         How anti-indemnity legislation affects Indemnification Liability provisions.

·         What are the differences between various Additional Insured forms?

·         How do the latest ISO forms differ dramatically from prior editions?

·         What are the risks and impact of using the wrong forms?

·         How do manuscript forms differ from the ISO forms?

·         How can I synchronize Insurance with Additional Insured and Indemnification provisions?

·         How do I apply this information to prevent and reduce problems?


Mr. Marshburn has gained a National reputation as an Expert, Consultant, and Educator specializing in solving risk management issues for this and related subjects.  His bio may be found by clicking on the Biographical Profile link below.   


An example of the integration of this information into a comprehensive program can be seen in our our Proprietary Automated Insurance Verification® Risk Management System that helps you identify and require the correct Policy forms - and then Verifies Coverage Compliance (or Non-Compliance), Automatically Facilitates Corrections needed for Coverage Compliance, and Activates the Policy Coverage for your Enhanced Contract Insurance Requirements.


We do a considerable amount of client consulting and seminars on these and related issues and would be happy to consult with you or your clients.  If you would like information of how our consulting services can benefit your business in this area, or if you would like to arrange for this, or another custom workshop, please contact us


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